Quickly Save Audio Files to File Browser

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Quickly Save Audio Files to File Browser

Post by mattvorn » Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:36 pm

Hi there Ableton,

Essentially if you want to save samples to use later on, I drag and drop the sample to the file browser, the expected action would be the audio sample drops into a designated folder as it's source file type (.wav/.aiff as specified in settings). But you get forced to paste in a file hierarchy of the project, the live clip, and a samples folder where you then have to click and find the sample, then you drag it out of the container file and then paste it into the designated folder you wish to store the audio sample.

Wouldn't it make sense to revise this feature and allowing users to much more easily and effectively save audio samples to their libraries? I mean after all if you drag and drop a file out of live it automatically generates a .wav or .aiff file, so why can't this be implemented into the live software browser?

I would say this is a must have feature as it would reinforce the 'fast, creative workflow' that Ableton portrays through design and marketing.

Would love to hear others opinions on this feature too!

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Re: Quickly Save Audio Files to File Browser

Post by [jur] » Mon Feb 10, 2020 3:06 pm

In Preferences > Library you get a "collect files on export" option.
Choose either "ask" or "always" and your files will be place in your user library > samples > "folder X depending on the type of audio files"
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