Mac speeds and rewire

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Joined: Tue May 20, 2003 7:09 pm

Mac speeds and rewire

Post by minnow » Tue May 20, 2003 7:16 pm


I've been following the threads here discussing mac
struggles to play livesets easily with lots of plug-ins
etc. and i've been having similar problems (even in
2.0.3) My question is: has anyone been using live
as more of as softsynth via rewire buses into DP3
or Cubase, and then using DP or cubase effects?
These sequencer programs are generally more
cpu-efficient, but i wonder if they stll are w/ live
running slaved in the background. Any comments?


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Post by koranek » Thu May 22, 2003 2:50 pm

My attempts to Rewire Live into DP have been spotty. I've gotten it to work well once or twice, but most of the time I just get crashes and freezes. This is frustrating because I think it would be a cool way of working. Right now I'm mostly working in Live, then bouncing to disk and importing into DP after I quit Live. Not very editable, but it works.

The usual thing I get is that I can open a Live set after I set up DP and Rewire, and I can hear Live stuff in an auxiliary track. I can start and stop things in DP. But if I try to do anything in Live, I get a freeze and have to reboot. When this happens I usually get several hundred megabytes of DP audio files in my trash (which REALLY freaked me out at first) but they appear to be copies of files (temp files maybe?) and I can delete them with no problem.

Live 2.03
DP 3.11
Dual 533 G4
OS 9.2.1
Unity DS1 2

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