Running ableton as a standalone effects unit too

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Running ableton as a standalone effects unit too

Post by drhiggens » Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:31 pm

So I have been mixing for years and working in the studio with nuendo for some time now for my production work.

But he recent addition of adding live to my djm800 has brought up some fun things. I wanted to know if there was anyone out there using one of the channels in live as a standalone effects processor and manipulation it with midi controller in the same way you would with something like the efx-1000.

If so what kind of things are you able to create like "feedback loops" and how do you have it set up? Thanks for all your help.

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Post by djenzyme » Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:25 pm

I've just started playing round with live as a mixing tool this week, I've been playing round with the fx connected to my mixer but it occurred to me that something is missing.
Anyone know if a plugin exists that converts an audio signals bpm into midi timecode? RedSound used to make a hardware version called a Voyager1 but i haven't seen them in years. Anyway a vst version would be useful. That way you could drop it in at the start of an fx chain, route a mixers send to a channel on live(with fx chain added) and presto, customisable fx in perfect sync with your decks, yay!
Can anyone help?

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Post by djenzyme » Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:38 pm

Ok i've just looked at RedSounds Website and it seems they have a new product coming out especially for Ableton and similar software. To be honest though it looks wak unless all the buttons are assignable with the software you use. I'd much rather use a midi controller and have all the fx within live, its customisable and expandable then :wink:

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Post by divi » Tue Aug 15, 2006 2:36 pm

i've been gigging with live and external gear run through live (mostly my machinedrum). so i play live's clips in the traditional way plus i have a couple of tracks taking the input from the hardware which let me add fx, sends, etc. i midi sync the gear and live so i can have tempo synced fx. bcr2000 as midi controller. very fun!

you could do this with your dj'ing too, provided that you can properly sync things up. of course there's always the tap tempo feature, but i don't know how well that would work.

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Location: Belgium

Post by Heisen » Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:09 pm

Indeed, it's not easy to get things synchronised. At the moment I have a slight delay effect between the sound from my turntables through the headphones, out the mixer, and the sound coming through the speakers after going through live with effects.

Now I'm looking for a better soundcard, but I'm still doubting between the M-audio FireWire Audiophile and the Edirol FA 66 FireWire. Anyone has any experience with these interfaces and their latency?


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an update

Post by drhiggens » Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:47 pm

So ok so far I really haven't had any trouble with the syncing of live so far. Im using a M-audio FireWire Audiophile and running a midi single for the mixer to the laptop and having live accept the time-code/tempo from the mixer. And it syncs up really well.
I have managed to also set up a good editable feedback loop using two return tracks. The main problem I am coming across is the connection of the hardware. Because a true effects unit should run from the send receive on the mixer sub channel. But in doing that im losing some of the functionality of running multiply sources into the main channels on the mixer.
What you can do is either run from the send out or the record out to the laptop, and then go to the send in or a channel in, like your other out. If you go into the send you cant mix tow mixer channels and if you go into the receive then you cant really run it as a effects unit too.
So that is what I have found so far. I am totally open to ideas if someone has one.

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