More Quantize Options Please!

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More Quantize Options Please!

Post by blaknoize » Tue May 21, 2002 2:50 am

I just checked out the 1.5 demo(Mac) and am glad to see that problems with MOTU ASIO drivers appear to have been fixed. A few things
I'd like to see before I buy though:

1) I need more quantize options in Arrange mode - I do a lot of step programming and I really need 12 and 24 (8th and 16th triplets ) options. This is essential for styles like 2-step, Hip Hop and Reggae. Sometimes you just want to add an extra kick or snare sample to a loop. Also need finer resolutions like 48 or 64 for shifting stuff around or creating fills.

2) Option-drag to copy still doesn't work on the Mac. The equivalent works on the PC. I can work 10 times faster this way rather than Copy/Paste.

3) Do something about those '.asf' files that keep multiplying all over my hard drive - stick them in a folder or make them invisible or something.

Other than that - great program! Fix the above and you've got a customer.

Posts: 226
Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2002 9:38 pm
Location: Zeist, The Netherlands

Triplets, Yes please

Post by FrankH » Tue May 21, 2002 9:47 pm

blaknoize wrote: 1) I need more quantize options in Arrange mode - I do a lot of step programming and I really need 12 and 24 (8th and 16th triplets ) options. This is essential for styles like 2-step, Hip Hop and Reggae. Sometimes you just want to add an extra kick or snare sample to a loop. Also need finer resolutions like 48 or 64 for shifting stuff around or creating fills.
Triplets, Yes please



more quantisation

Post by monolake » Tue Jun 18, 2002 9:28 pm

more quantisation options ( triplets etc. )
both in the arranger and session will come.


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