Select Non-Contiguous Clips in Arrangement

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Select Non-Contiguous Clips in Arrangement

Post by rachmanoff » Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:12 pm

In the arrangement view, I'd like to be able to select multiple clips that aren't right next to each other, are in different tracks, etc. i want rubber band selecting and command selecting to select the whole clip, not just a portion of time. i can use the arrangement loop for that!

just to give you a visual:

Here's an example arrangement. I want to select ONLY clips One and Four.


I select clip Four..


and then command select clip One..


all I get is a portion of time, not the whole clip.

Likewise, it is impossible to select clips One and Two without also selecting part of Three.

Within a portion of time you can command select at random from any or all tracks:


..and do what you want with that selection:


but it is not possible to select clips that do not fall under the same window of time.

i've been putting together a dj mix in the arrangement view. i have lots of little ideas (a 2 song block here, a 4 song block there) set up on multiple tracks in the arrangement view (each track is like a different turntable). i'm trying to fit these little blocks together. it is difficult to experiment because as soon as one set of clips overlaps with another, they are effectively tied together and i can't move the original block without taking the overlapping section with me. annoying!!

why can't we just use the arrangement loop if we want to select a span of time, and make command and rubber band selecting tied to the entire clip!!??

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