Will you buy an iPad?

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Will you buy an iPad

I prefer a Maxi Pad, it has wings!
Total votes: 236

Action Jackson
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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by Action Jackson » Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:47 pm

Here's a question to all those who plan to buy the iPad:

What can you do with an iPad that you can't do with a Mac?

And here's another question:

With the money you spend on an iPad, what would you spend it on, if you were to buy something useful?

beats me
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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by beats me » Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:52 pm

sparkletone wrote:I still have no idea whether it will be a success
It's Apple. Of course it will be a success. Oh wait, there's the Macbook Air. But if that was a complete failure I'm sure they wouldn't still be selling it, but at that price it's just stupid. Even I would slap a fellow fanboy for having one.

beats me
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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by beats me » Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:56 pm

Action Jackson wrote:Here's a question to all those who plan to buy the iPad:

What can you do with an iPad that you can't do with a Mac?

And here's another question:

With the money you spend on an iPad, what would you spend it on, if you were to buy something useful?
Touch screen controller and touch screen music apps.

I wouldn't spend the money on something else. There's no alternative that does both those at that price point.

Action Jackson
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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by Action Jackson » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:05 pm

beats me wrote: Touch screen controller and touch screen music apps.

I wouldn't spend the money on something else. There's no alternative that does both those at that price point.
OK, can you install Live (or any other DAW) on an iPad?

beats me
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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by beats me » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:14 pm

Action Jackson wrote:
beats me wrote: Touch screen controller and touch screen music apps.

I wouldn't spend the money on something else. There's no alternative that does both those at that price point.
OK, can you install Live (or any other DAW) on an iPad?
Nope. Doesn't matter to me in the least. They're 2 different things.

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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by feyshay » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:31 pm

When I travel short distances, I use a phone if really needing to browse. When I'm at home, I can read a newspaper, books, have computers, have TV's. When I travel for longer periods of time, I still prefer the laptop and have my phone.
I don't seen it having much usefulness for me. I'd still prefer a laptop. It is lighter than a laptop, but I've got plenty of books to read that aren't too heavy. Maybe if I travelled more, didn't have a great media setup at home, and preferred not reading books on paper.

Action Jackson
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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by Action Jackson » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:34 pm

beats me wrote:
Action Jackson wrote:
beats me wrote: Touch screen controller and touch screen music apps.

I wouldn't spend the money on something else. There's no alternative that does both those at that price point.
OK, can you install Live (or any other DAW) on an iPad?
Nope. Doesn't matter to me in the least. They're 2 different things.
Yes, Live = a professional tool and iPad = toy.

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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by mojofunk » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:38 pm


Bleep Blop Ima Robot
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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by Bleep Blop Ima Robot » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:43 pm

probably not...a giant itouch is just to big for me, i like the idea tho.
::Mac Book Pro 2.4 GHz 4 GB:: ::Ableton Suite 8:: ::NI Massive:: ::NI Maschine:: ::NI FM8:: ::NI Audio 4 DJ:: .::.Akai APC40.::. .::.LaunchPad.::. .::.Nocturn 49.::. .::.Akai MPK25.::. .::.BCR2000.::. ::KRK R5's::
::M30 Reverb:: ::SampleMoog::

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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by Tarekith » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:49 pm

For me it's mainly an issue of I was expecting them to release "x", and when it was "y" instead I was pretty disappointed. But lately I've been thinking about how I could use it (not even from a music perspective), and I can see the benefits. More than anything I think I'd use it for web browsing. the first hour or so of my day is sitting on the couch with my laptop checking forums and news, planning on my work for the day, and having my coffee. This means that every morning I have to unplug the laptop from my studio gear and external monitor, and then reconnect it and reboot (stupid RME drivers, grrr) before I get to work for the day. Anytime I take a break from the studio, I'm more lor less doing the same thing with the 3GS I have (and I surf online a lot at home with the 3GS). So on that front the iPad would give me an arguably better browsing experience, and save me a little hassle in terms of having to take the laptop out of the studio.

In terms of mobile music making, having something like BeatMaker running on a larger screen would make things MUCH easier, and I'm sure there's more apps coming that will greatly make use of the bigger display. It probably still won't replace the laptop as I need that for DJing at the very least, and I don't see the iPad coming up with anything that will offer me the connectivity or horsepower I need on that front. I think this was why I was initially so bummed. I'm getting ready to replace the MBP soon, and for the same price as a new MBP, I could have gotten a much faster iMac (with a newer display than I have) and an iPad. So on that front it still falls short.

The real kicker for me is the price though, when I considered it's really only $499 (I'll get the cheapest one, I already have 3G on my phone, and I don't see myself travelling with the iPad for anything other than simple music apps). Not a bad price to have an easier to ready browser at home, with the added benefit of any new music apps that will come out for it later on. Or even as a glorified lemur via TouchOsc, though I'm still not sold on the touchpad controller idea for anything other than messing around in the studio.

I still think it's a shame they didn't release it with a front face webcam, as I think a lot more people I know WOULD be able to replace their laptop and this would be the obvious game changer Apple wants it to be. My wife loves her MBP, but it's way more machine than she needs to be honest, and the iPad would have fit her perfect but for this one omission.

It's still frustrsting that Apple has to approve any app you want, but realistically, even if it was running Snow Leopard like a MB, developers would still need to modify their apps to work with multi-touch. So we'd still need something from Ableton to run Live on a tablet for instance, otherwise you'd just be single touch only like a mouse now. So I guess on that front it makes sense.

I don't know, i guess I'll start saving my pennies and see what i think once I can get my hands on one. But for now I'm more interested than I was, once I realized it doens't neccesarily need to replace my iPhone or laptop to be useful.

beats me
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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by beats me » Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:50 pm

Action Jackson wrote:Yes, Live = a professional tool and iPad = toy.
You and many other people are looking at this wrong.

You have to look at it more like a lemur with the added benefits of:

1. A lemur is 3 to 4 times the price of an iPad.

2. A lemur doesn't output sound, an iPad does.

3. As far as I know a lemur doesn't cover the full color spectrum and has a lower resolution. So while you can easily make an interface that looks like a lemur you can also make one that is much more detailed.

4. There are already music plug-in type apps for the iPad that generate sound and work similarly to a plug-in you'd use in a DAW. There will no doubt be a lot more released for this.

5. The iPad also lets you listen to music and watch movies and TV shows, read books, email, browse the Internet, play games, and also has countless other useful apps that has nothing to do with music.

I thought you were being sincerely curious, but I see you're just being another no imagination narrow minded ass hat.

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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by Gerald » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:14 pm

OK, can you install Live (or any other DAW) on an iPad?[/quote]

Nope. Doesn't matter to me in the least. They're 2 different things.[/quote]

Yes, Live = a professional tool and iPad = toy.[/quote]

No one here really has any idea if this device will be a toy or a useful new mobile platform so the speculation is silly until someone buys one. I might. The gaming demonstration showed off the touch screen technology which immediately made me want to use Ableton Live on it. The connections are limited to a docking station and camera\usb adapters but who knows what is in development? (Certainly nobody here does unless you work for Apple) I would not be surprised if Ableton is already developing an iPad version of Live to be sold through the App Store. Hopefully hardware support for an audio interface will be developed. I don't know if you could push BlueTooth or Wireless bandwidth to accommodate audio streaming at a useful rate but 24bit 96khz seems reasonable? Anyone know of a bluetooth or wireless audio interface?

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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by thelike5 » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:18 pm

Well, it's obviously clear that the Lemur is WAY TOO OVERPRICED at $1,499 - $1,999. I'm sure within the first 30 days that the ipad is released someone will have a Lemur-like app available. If JAzzmutant wants to continue they should think about getting this App created ASAP. Hate to see good quality hardware go away but in the case of Jazzmutant; they only really have one product and it just became obsolete the second the Ipad was announced.

Sell the software App for $100 and shift your focus there. Would love to hear the PR guys at Jazz Mutant explain to me why i would buy a Lemur next month.
Last edited by thelike5 on Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by sowhoso » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:19 pm

when I want a new toy I go to great lengths to justify its purchase, however ridiculous the price or usefulness

I guess i'm not alone in this self-deception

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Re: Will you buy an iPad?

Post by thelike5 » Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:24 pm

And my post above about the Lemur being overpriced wasn't meant to kick sand in the faces of those that bought a Lemur. I bet it was great to have that technology the last three years. My post was just meant to point out the fact that Jazz Mutant can no longer justify selling it for $1,999 (and they honestly can't justify a 75% off price cut and sell it for $499 either.) They are in a real tough position with this one. I can't see how they stay afloat unless they shift their focus to software/app building.

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